Kareem Khubchandani


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Kareem Khubchandani is the Mellon Bridge Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies and the Program in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Tufts University teaching at the intersection of performance studies and queer studies. His research, performance, and teaching interests include dance studies, queer nightlife, South Asian diaspora, global queer politics, performance ethnography, critical race studies, and drag. He holds a Ph.D. in Performance Studies from Northwestern University, and previously served as the inaugural Embrey Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.

Kareem is currently working on a book project titled Ishtyle: Accenting Gay Indian Nightlife, a performance ethnography of queer social spaces in Bangalore and Chicago. He is also co-editing a volume on queer nightlife with Kemi Adeyemi (U. Washington) and Ramón Rivera-Servera (Northwestern U.). He has published in Scholar and Feminist OnlineTransgender Studies QuarterlyJournal of Asian American StudiesThe Velvet Light TrapTheater TopicsTheatre JournalThe Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, and Queer Dance(Oxford UP). He has essays forthcoming in Other Pop EmpiresThe Global Encyclopedia of GLBTQ HistoryOxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and CultureSAMAJ; and Race Play (Palgrave).

With Elora Chowdhury (UMass Boston) and Faith Smith (Brandeis), he co-curates the Feminisms Unbound roundtable series for the greater Boston area’s Graduate Consortium of Women's Studies. He has served as LGBTQ Focus Group Conference Planner, Conference Planning Committee Member, and the Vice President for Advocacy for the Association for Theater in Higher Education. He is currently the Social Media Chair for the Dance Studies Association.

Kareem is also a performance artist, working in drag, storytelling, body art, theater, and digital media. His videos have been screened at the Mississauga South Asian Film Festival, Austin OUTsider multi-arts festival, Hyderabad Queer Film Festival, and San Francisco 3rd i film festival. As his alter ego LaWhore Vagistan, he has performed at the Austin International Drag Festival, Mustard Seed South Asian Film Festival (Philadelphia), The Asia Society (NYC), AS220 (Providence) Queens Musuem, Jack Theater (Brooklyn), Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance, Not Festival (Riverside), and A.R.T. Oberon (Cambridge).

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